Lafayette Divorce Attorney
Child Custody
Child Support
Personal Injury
Criminal Defense
Civil Defense
TRO-Restraining order
Community Property
Charter School Compliance
Daycare Consultant

If you need help. Please Contact Us!
Tel: 337-261-1099
Fax: 337-261.3352
​​620 S. E. Evangeline Thwy
Lafayette, LA 70503
Graduate of U. L. of Lafayette (Polical Science)
Graduate of Southern Law School (2006)
Founder of Flugence Law Firm, LLC
Founder of Flugence Title, LLC
Owner of CTC Computer Consulting
President of Louis A. Martinez Society (2015-2017
President of OCDC Nonprofit (J.S.Clark Chapter School) (2011-2013)
President of I-10 Athletics Basketball Association (2007-Present)
President of Northside Community Development
Owner of Little-ones Love to Learn, LLC
Women of Excellence Award (2019)
FLUGENCE LAW FIRM, LLC should be your first stop when looking for a Family Law attorney.We handle all Personal Injury, Workman Compaensation, Divorce, Family Law Matters, including Restraining order,Child Custody,Community Property, and Alimony. We handle all Criminal Matters and OWI as well. You may also come to us for help starting your business and other legal needs.
Shytishia "SAM" Flugence